WPML – menu only shows icons in default language

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  • #67922
    Paul MullerPaul Muller

    Hi, we have set icons for our menu items but are using WPML for our sites translation (including menus). Unfortunately it looks like you are recording the icons we select against the menu item ID’s and when it’s using the translated version of the menu, they no longer match up. Any thoughts on how this can be fixed?

    Also, you do not appear to support FontAwesome’s “light” (pro) icon sets in your drop-down or in the CSS (we have our own license for FontAwesome pro).


    Peter FeatherstonePeter Featherstone

    Hey Paul,

    Yes they are matched by ID. I’m not sure how else that could be done any other way, do you have any suggestions on that front?

    You can disable the scripts included by my plugin in the Technical section and then select custom from the drop-down and include your own.

    I hope that helps


    Paul MullerPaul Muller

    We ended up doing a workaround by using the nav_menu_item_title hook (our function is included below).
    By adding a class to the wordpress menu item in the format like this “ico-fas-user”, the function will prepend the correct span to the title and the alternate naming of the class on the menu item means it will have no effect in the wrong place.

     * Add icons to custom nav
    function my_nav_menu_item_title( $title, $item, $args, $depth ){
      foreach($item->classes as $class) {
        if(substr($class, 0, 4) == 'ico-') {
          $class = str_replace(array('far-', 'fas-', 'fal-', 'fab-'), array('far fa-', 'fas fa-', 'fal fa-', 'fab fa-'), substr($class, 4));
          $icon = '<span class="'.$class.'"></span>';
          $title  = $icon.$title;
      return $title;
    Peter FeatherstonePeter Featherstone

    Hey Paul,

    Excellent and thanks for sharing it here!

    All the best


    Joseph BouqdibJoseph Bouqdib


    I’ve got the same problem, but i’m using Polylang.
    Would that workaround work in my case aswell? And if so, how do I implement it?


    Peter FeatherstonePeter Featherstone

    Hey Joseph,

    I wouldn’t know I’m afraid, you would have to try it to see. The code is in the post above from Paul, you can just copy and paste it.

    Please let me know how you get on.


    Joseph BouqdibJoseph Bouqdib

    Thanks for the quick answer.
    Where do i paste that code to?
    I haven’t quite understood it yet 🙂

    Peter FeatherstonePeter Featherstone

    Hey Joseph,

    Paul would know exactly but I’d expect it just goes in the themes functions.php file along with the other customisations.

    Please let me know


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