Unique background image for each menu entry

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    Marcus NeumannMarcus Neumann

    Hi there,
    I just bought the pro version of the plug in. How can I manage to get unique background images for every menu item? I think “#responsive-menu-pro-mask” would be the div to target, but I don’t have a clue how to go on. Any help would be fine.
    Thanks in advance

    Peter FeatherstonePeter Featherstone

    Hey Marcus

    That would not be the right div to use as that is used for background overlays.

    You need to look into each menu items li element which will have an id with a number in there.

    Those will enable you to target individual items.

    I hope that helps


    Marcus NeumannMarcus Neumann

    Hey Peter,
    thank you very much for your quick response!
    Yes, of course I have to target the IDs – my fault. I meant the #responsive-menu-pro-mask would be probably the div to put the background images in. Do you have any kind of code snippet which illustrates, how to achieve individual background overlay images as kind of a visual preview for each menu entry?

    Peter FeatherstonePeter Featherstone

    Hey Marcus,

    Unfortunately I don’t and not something I’ve done before. I’m not at a laptop so would need to look tomorrow but should just be a case of finding each items specific item and applying a background-image via css to it.

    I can take a look tomorrow when I’m on a laptop if that helps.


    Marcus NeumannMarcus Neumann

    Hey Peter,
    that would be fine.
    Thank You very much in advance!

    Peter FeatherstonePeter Featherstone

    Hey Marcus,

    Just realised you haven’t provided your site URL for me to look at.

    Can you please provide that now.


    Marcus NeumannMarcus Neumann

    Hey Peter,

    I provided the URL in that form. Hope this helps.

    Thank you very much!


    Peter FeatherstonePeter Featherstone

    Hi Marcus,

    That’s strange because it is showing as blank for me.

    Is it possible to provide it here or via email at support@responsive.menu?

    Please advise


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