Using Advanced Settings of Responsive Menu Pro

Responsive Menu Pro plugin offers various advanced settings which provide extra functionality to its users.

Excluded Pages

With the ‘Excluded Pages’ field, you can opt for one or more webpages on which you don’t want to show the responsive menu. Read this article to see this functionality in action. If you want to deselect this option on the pages you have used this earlier, just click on the selected option/options. And you are all set.

Animation Speeds

Container: Specifies the speed at which menu container opens and closes. It takes a value in the form of seconds and microseconds. For e.g. 1 s or 0.5 s. By default, it is set to 0.5 s. Microseconds means that the menu container will take lesser time to open/close and vice vera for more no. of seconds.

Colours: Specifies the animation speed at which colours transition from standard to active or from standard to hover states. Also takes a value in the form of seconds and microseconds. For e.g. 1 s or 0.5 s. By default, it is set to 0.5 s. Microseconds means that the menu container will take lesser time to open/close and vice vera for more no. of seconds.

Sub Menus: Specifies the speed at which all the sub menus will show up. By default, the speed is set to 0.2 s. But, if you set this value to 0.5 s or 0.7 s, it will give a very nice transition effect to the sub-menus.


Use Shortcode: This option gives you a bit more control over the menu, like including different menus on different pages or using different menus for different languages, all using the same plugin with the same settings. Read the full documentation here on how to use shortcode with Responsive Menu Pro plugin.

Hide on mobile devices: The option lets you enable or disable the responsive menu on mobile devices. If you are on a mobile device and this field is checked, then no HTML, CSS or Javascript related to Responsive Menu will be loaded into the page. Thus, the menu will not show on mobile devices.

Hide on desktops: It lets you enable or disable the responsive menu on desktops. If you are on a desktop and this field is checked, then no HTML, CSS or Javascript related to Responsive Menu will be loaded into the page. Thus, the menu will not show on desktops.

Show Menu on Page Load: Enabling this field means the menu container will show as opened and the button will be set to active on each page load.

Adjust for WP Admin Bar: This will bring the various elements of the website down when you are logged in as the admin, so they are not hidden behind the admin bar.

Disable Background Scrolling: It gives you the option whether you want or don’t want the background scrolling on the page when the menu is open. Before enabling this option, please ensure your theme follows WordPress theme development guidelines for this to work. Specifically that the HTML tag includes the language_attributes() function call.

Page Overlay

Enable: It will add a nice page overlay on the background when the menu container is open, covering all but the opened menu and the menu button.

Colour: Sets the colour of the page overlay. This field works nicely with slight transparency. It takes rgba() color values. An rgba() color value is specified with: rgba(red, green, blue, alpha). First 3 parameters define the intensity of colour and ranges between 0-255. The last value defines the opacity of colour and ranges between 0.0(fully transparent) – 1.0(fully opaque).

Custom CSS

If you want to make minor tweaks to some margins, paddings or colours or even for whole new layouts or designs. This area lets you add custom CSS for such styling.

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